Join Avondale as a Grounds Member
Grounds membership is for people who are NOT interested in joining Pony Club NSW but would like to use our grounds and facilities with their horse.
To be a grounds member we require you to join Equestrian Australia for insurance purposes. Membership fees are $250 a year. You are charged $10 for a key unless you are returning one. Lost and replacement keys are $30.
Pro Rata Deals apply from 1 July $125 + $10 for key (unless returning one (free) or you've lost your key ($30))
See below
Grounds Membership Form
To become a Grounds Member, complete this form and make payment of $250 + relevant Grounds Key charge (see below).
Note that pro rata fee terms do apply from 1 July ($125 + key)
Key Charges:-
$10 for new members, no charge for returning members exchanging key and $30 for lost key.
Contact our Membership Secretary for more details.
Direct transfer to:
Acct name: Avondale Pony Club
BSB: 062 205
Acct no: 1048 5890
Reference – member’s name
Once payment is made and the form submit you will be contacted by the Membership Secretary to arrange the collection/exchange of the grounds key for the membership calendar year as these do change each year.
NOTE: Grounds Membership is for your personal use of the grounds and does not provide you with exclusive use of the grounds. You can check if there are any Rally Days or private bookings via the Calendar.
By completing the form below and paying the above fees, I understand, acknowledge and accept that:
Horse sports are a dangerous activity and horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt.
Horse riding and horse related activities are dangerous and accidents causing death, bodily injury, disability and property damage can and do happen.
I knowingly and freely assume ALL such risks, both known and unknown and I voluntarily PARTICIPATE at my OWN RISK and assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property damage I may suffer that arises from my participation in this associated horse sport activity
I agree to indemnify Avondale Horse & Pony Club Inc and its Office Bearers from all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law in the event that either myself, persons under my care or supervision suffer injury or death or property damage as a result of horse riding, horse related activities or from the use of any equipment or facilities available at the Avondale grounds.
I agree to provide my EA Membership number and acknowledge it is my responsibility to ensure I am covered by Insurance to use the grounds
Being fully aware of the above, I wish to participate and involve myself in the above activities. (Please complete the form below)
NOTE: Instructors - Lessons and Clinics
For more information about hiring the grounds refer to Grounds Booking Request